We have obtained a very good rate for participants at the CIMPA school at some hotels, shown in the following list. You need to tell them - when you reserve - that you are coming for the CIMPA school. Mind you: This is HIGH season, so the hotels fill up quickly. The rates shown are before taxes, but if you are foreigner, they should NOT collect taxes.
- "The Urbanica" hotel (for direct reservation) which offers a rate of US 75 for a single room, US 85 for a double room.
- "Cristal Palace Hotel" (link) offers a rate of US 70, 80 or 90 (depending on the category of the room) for a single or double room.
- "The Urbanica suites Montañeses" (link) offers a rate of US 110, 120 or 130 (depending on the category of the room) for a single or double room.
- River house (link) offers a rate of US 78 for a single or double room. (This hotel has very few rooms)
- Hotel Ker Belgrano (link) offers a rate of US 100 - 140 for a single or double room.
- Argenta Suites Belgrano (link) offers a rate of US 95 for a single or double room
- Sures Belgrano Suites (link) offers a rate of US 94 for a single or double room
- Hotel Pedraza (No website. Manuela Pedraza 2189, C1429CCE CABA, Argentina
Phone: +54 11 4703-4927) offers a rate of US 75 for a single or double room
- L'Hotel (in Palermo...) (link)offers a rate of US 109 for a single or double room
- Pampa Plaza Hotel (link)offers a rate of US 90/110 for a single/double room
See the following map on which several 3 Stars and + hotels (including the above mentioned) close to Ciudad Universitaria are highlighted