Buenos Aires, July 25-29, 2016
Spanish version

Welcome to the homepage of the XXI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra.
History: The series “Coloquios Latinoamericanos de Algebra” started in 1981; until 1994 it was mainly a regional event that gathered mathematicians from Argentina and Chile and, occasionally, a few invited speakers from other countries. After a short interruption, these meetings were reinitiated in 2001, in Córdoba, Argentina, then continued in 2003 in Cocoyoc, México, in 2005 in Colonia, Uruguay, in 2007 in Medellín, Colombia, in 2009 in São Pedro, Brasil, in 2012 in Pucón, Chile, and in 2014 in Lima, Peru.
Location and Date: The XXICLA will take place at the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, located in Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina, during July 25-29, 2016.
Format: Following tradition, there will be plenary talks in the morning (times are already fixed, see "Plenary Speakers") and thematic sessions in the afternoon, from 2:30 to 6:30 pm. Wednesday afternoon will be free.
Scientific Committee: The scientific committee of the XXICLA is composed by the chairs of the thematic sessions and the organizing committee.
- 7.26.16: Group picture on Wednesday July 27, 12:30 pm. Meeting point: in front of the Aula Magna at the end of the last morning plenary lecture.
- 7.25.16: Participation certificates for registered participants will be available online right at the end of the conference.
- 7.20.16: XXICLA time is soon now: If you have never been in Ciudad Universitaria before, please take a minute to check the venue in the "Schedule and Abstracts" section. If you plan to come by bus, remember you need to purchase a SUBE card (official cost ARS 25) and put some money on it for your rides, each ride is ARS 6,50 (check "Practical Information" for details), and get off the bus as soon as it passes the Ciudad Universitaria gate. If you come by cab, ask the driver to leave you next to the bus entrance in front of Parque Norte. In both cases the building (Pabellón 1) is right there.
- 7.12.16: SCHEDULE AND ABSTRACTS: You will receive a printed summarized schedule upon arrival (without abstracts), but please remember that online information in "Schedule and Abstracts" will always be the complete and accurate one.
- 7.11.16: REGISTRATION: Participants who have already registered and paid their registration fee will have to collect their conference tag and bag in the registration/coffee breaks area in front of Aula Magna, that will be opened every morning before the first morning activity (please check registration times in the "Schedules and Abstracts" section). Participants who have not registered before arrival or paid their registrarion fee will have to register in Room 14, close to Aula Magna.
- 7.11.16: POSTERS: Poster session will take place in the coffee break area, in front of Aula Magna, during coffee breaks. Posters of sessions 2,3,4,6,9,11 and 13 will be presented on Monday and Tuesday; presenters have to come and hang their posters on Monday morning before the beginning of the opening ceremony. Posters of sessions 1,5,7,8,10 and 12 will be presented on Thursday and Friday; presenters have to come and hang their posters on Thursday morning before the beginning of the first plenary lecture.
- 7.4.16: We recall that the deadline for online registration is July 15. After that registration will be in situ with payment in cash.
- 6.21.16: Check the Schedule and the Abstracts of all talks and posters as of today!
- 6.16.16: All activities will take place at the 1st floor, Building No. 1 (Pabellón 1), Ciudad Universitaria, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
- 5.27.16: Please keep in mind that the deadline for early REGISTRATION with a discount fee is May 31, 2016.
- 5.18.16: Check the Abstracts of the plenary lectures!
- 4.1.2016: Online REGISTRATION is open. The deadline for online registration is July 15, 2016, and the deadline for early registration is May 31, 2016.
- REGISTRATION will be online and will open in April. The deadline for early registration is May 31, 2016.
- UMALCA support possibility for regional participans. Online application in UMALCA website. Deadline: March 1st, 2016.
- NSF support possibility for junior US-based participants. Please contact a session organizer by April 1st, 2016.
- Posters presentation: Those who are interested in submitting a poster to the XXICLA have to contact the corresponding session chair as soon as possible. Deadline: April 30, 2016.
Contact: xxicla@dm.uba.ar
Organizing Committee: