Dualidad en sistemas de partículas
Puntaje: 1 punto (Lic. y Prof.)
Correlatividades: Probabilidad y Estadística
Carga horaria: 6 horas por semana (durante 1 mes)
Carreras: Licenciatura en Matemática (Or. Pura y Aplicada), Profesorado en Matemática, Doctorado en Matemática
Breve descripción del curso:
Duality is a powerful tool that has been used in the analysis of interacting particle systems, models of population dynamics and interacting diffusions.
In models where a rather complete ergodic theory is developed, such as the symmetric exclusion process, duality has been a key-tool.
In general, two Markov processes X_t and Y_t are said to be dual with duality function D(x,y) if E(D(X_t,y) ) = E(D(x,Y_t)).
In the course, we will provide several examples of duality in interacting particle systems, and interacting diffusions. We will also give general constructive tools for finding the duality functions. Examples include a stochastic model of heat conduction which is dual to a particle system, the so-called symmetric inclusion process, which is itself self-dual.
Reunión preliminar:
Aula y horario: