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Algoritmos en geometría algebraica real

Profesor:  MARIE-FRANÇOISE ROY (Université de Rennes, France)   
Puntaje:  1 punto (Lic. y Prof.)

Correlatividades: Geometría Proyectiva 

Carga horaria:   20 horas en total durante 2 semanas (posiblemente en junio)

Carreras: Licenciatura en Matemática (Or. Pura y Aplicada), Profesorado en Matemática, Doctorado en Matemática

Breve descripción del curso:

An overview of algorithms in real algebraic geometry will be presented.
The main algorithmic problems discussed are the following: real root counting, deciding the existence of solutions to polynomial systems of inequalities, eliminating quantifiers, deciding connectivity of semi-algebraic sets.
Current recent results and open problems will be discussed:
·    the existential theory of the reals in the quadratic case (based on Gregorev and Pasechnik);
·    certificates of positivity in the Bernstein basis (based on Leroy Ph D);
·    a baby step giant step algorithm for roadmaps (based on Safey and Schost)

Reunión preliminar:

Aula y horario:

Created by psolerno
Last modified 2009-12-03 03:16 PM

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