Geometría Proyectiva - Bibliografía
Segundo Cuatrimestre 2007
- Alekseevskij, Vinogradov and Lychagin. Basic ideas and concepts of differential geometry. Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences (Geometry I), Springer.
- Artin. Geometric algebra. Wiley.
- Bourbaki. Algebre, Chapitre 9 (Formes sesquilineaires et formes quadratiques).
- Cukierman. Cuadricas y cubicas
- Do Carmo. Differential geometry of curves and surfaces. Prentice Hall. (*)
- Fulton. Algebraic curves. Springer. (*)
- Gray. Modern differential geometry of curves and surfaces. Springer.
- Hartshorne. Foundations of projective geometry. Benjamin.
- Hilbert-Cohn Vossen. Geometry and the imagination. Chelsea (AMS).
- Hitchin. Notes.
- Kazarian. Notes.
- Lipschutz. Differential geometry. Schaum Outline Series.
- Peters. Notes.
- Pogorelov. Differential geometry (translated by Leo Boron). (ia)
- Salmon. Analytic geometry of three dimensions. Chelsea (AMS). (ia)
- Spivak. Calculus on manifolds (Calculo en variedades, Reverte). (*)
- Spivak. A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry, 5 vols.
- Stoker. Differential geometry. Wiley.
- Struik. Lectures on classical differential geometry. Dover.
- Valiron. Classical differential geometry of curves and surfaces. (gb)
- Walker. Algebraic curves. Springer.
(*) Referencias basicas.
(ia) Disponible en Internet Archive
(gb) Disponible en Google Books
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