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Análisis Diádico - Una Introducción

Primer Cuatrimestre 2008
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    pushpin Viernes 4 de Abril 14:00 - 17hs, Clase. Aula 5 Pab. I Repasaremos las definiciones y conceptos vistos el año pasado del libro de Thiele (primer referencia en Bibliografía).
    pushpin Primera Reunión Jueves 3 de Abril 14:30hs Aula 5 Pab. I

Información General

  • Carreras para las que se dicta:

    • Profesorado en Matemática
    • Licenciatura en Matemática (Orientación Pura y Aplicada)
    • Doctorado en Mateática
  • Correlatividades: Análisis Real. Medida y Probabilidad

  • Programa

  • Bibliografía

Observación: Debido a que esta materia será dictada en conjunto con el Prof. Lacey del Georgia Institute of Technology , se usará el idioma inglés para las clases que dictará dicho profesor.


Para poder ser incluido en las Actas de Trabajos Prácticos, es necesario haberse inscripto, mediante el Sistema de Inscripciones de la Facultad. Támbien es necesario haber completado la encuesta docente

Horario, Docentes y Aulas

  • Jueves y Viernes de 14 - 17hs. Aula 5 Pab. I

    • Ursula Molter, Mail
    • Michael Lacey, Mail

  • Haar functions, Haar Shift, and the Hilbert Transform
  • Littlewood Paley inequalities, sharp constants. Khintchine Inequality, and Chang-Wilson-Wolff Inequalities.
  • Carleson Embedding, Hardy Space, BMO, and John-Nirenberg Inequality
  • Paraproducts, Hankel Operators, Commutators
  • General Calderon-Zygmund Operators and T1 Theorem.
  • Product Hardy spaces and BMO.
  • Journe's Paraproduct Theorem. Multiparameter Hankel Operators.
  • Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series
  • Small Ball Inequality. This connects to Probability, Approximation Theory, Irregularities of Distribution, and Harmonic Analysis.
  • Principal Inequalities Open Questions in Irregularities of Distribution,
  • Proof of 2-dimensional Small Ball Inequality.
  • Proof of partial results in all dimensions, which will rely upon many of the earlier topics.
  • Connections to other topics, based upon the interests of the participants.

  • Thiele, Christoph Wave packet analysis. CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, 105. Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, Washington, DC; by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2006. vi+86 pp. ISBN: 0-8218-3661-7
  • Pereyra, Mar?a Cristina Lecture notes on dyadic harmonic analysis. Second Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics (Cuernavaca, 2000), 1--60, Contemp. Math., 289, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001.
  • Loukas Grafakos, Classical and Modern Fourier Analysis, Prentice Hall; 1st edition (June 4, 2003) ISBN-10: 013035399X
  • Stein, Elias M. Harmonic analysis: real-variable methods, orthogonality, and oscillatory integrals. With the assistance of Timothy S. Murphy. Princeton Mathematical Series, 43. Monographs in Harmonic Analysis, III. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1993. xiv+695 pp. ISBN: 0-691-03216-5
  • Multi-parameter paraproducts Camil Muscalu, Jill Pipher, Terence Tao, Christoph Thiele
  • Small Ball and Discrepancy Inequalities Michael T Lacey
  • Paraproducts in One and Several Parameters Michael T Lacey, Jason Metcalfe
  • Carleson's Theorem: Proof, Complements, Variations Michael Lacey
  • Wilhelm Schlag's Harmonic Analysis book

A Materias del Departamento de Matemática

Created by umolter
Last modified 2008-04-03 08:31 PM

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