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Matías Graña
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Depto de Matemática - FCEyN
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Álgebras de Nichols de dimensión finita de tipo grupo no diagonal
Finite dimensional Nichols algebras of non-diagonal group type
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Artículos / Articles
- J.S. Carter, M. Elhamdadi, M. Graña, M. Saito. Cocycle Knot Invariants from Quandle Modules and Generalized Quandle Cohomology, to appear in Osaka J. Math. ps.gz
- M. Graña, V. Turaev. Knot theory for self-indexed graphs, to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. dvi ps.gz djvu
- P. Etingof and M. Graña. Quantization of non-unitary geometric classical r-matrices, to appear in Math. Res. Letters, 12 2,3. dvi ps.gz
- M. Graña. Indecomposable racks of order p2, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 45 (2) 665-676 (2004) dvi ps.gz
- N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Graña. Examples of liftings of Nichols algebras over racks, Téories d'homologie, repésentations et algèbres de Hopf AMA Algebra Montp. Announc. Paper 1, 6 pp. (electronic) (2003) dvi ps.gz
- N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Graña. From racks to pointed Hopf algebras, Adv. Math. 178 (2) 177-243 (2003) ps.gz
- P. Etingof, M. Graña. On rack cohomology, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 177 (1) 49-59 (2003) dvi ps.gz
- M. Graña, Quandle knot invariants are quantum knot invariants, J. Knot Theory Ramifications 11 (5) 673-681 (2002) ps.gz
- M. Graña, On Nichols algebras of low dimension, New trends in Hopf algebra theory (La Falda, 1999) Contemp. Math. 267 111-134 Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, RI (2000) dvi ps.gz
- M. Graña, A freeness theorem for Nichols algebras, J. Algebra 231 (1) 235-257 (2000) dvi ps.gz
- M. Graña, On pointed Hopf algebras of dimension p5, Glasg. Math. J. 42 (3) 405-419 (2000) dvi ps.gz
- M. Graña, Pointed Hopf algebras of dimension 32, Comm. Algebra 28 (6) 2935-2976 (2000) dvi ps.gz
- N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Graña. Braided Hopf algebras over non-abelian finite groups, Colloquium on Operator Algebras and Quantum Groups (Spanish) (Vaquerías, 1997) Bol. Acad. Nac. Cienc. (Córdoba) 63 45-78 (1999) dvi ps.gz
Notas y afines
- Curso sobre invariantes cuánticos de nudos, elENA 1, Vaquerías, agosto 2003.
- Tesis de doctorado / PhD Thesis (in Spanish), gzipped