GNC Research
Research Interests
GNC is a loosely knit group of researchers interested in Noncommutative Geometry and related areas.
Specific research interests of the GNC group include:
- K-theory
- Cyclic and Hochschild (co)homology
- Crossed products
- The Dixmier and Jacobian conjectures
- Operator algebras
- Leavitt path algebras
- Hopf algebras
- Quantum field theories
Research Projects
- PICT-2021-I-A-00710, K-theory, homology, and noncommutative geometry. Director: G. Cortiñas.
- PIP 2021-2023 GI, 11220200100423CO.
Álgebra y geometría no conmutativas. Director: G. Cortiñas.
- UBACYT 20020220300206BA. Álgebra, geometría y topología no
conmutativas. Director: G. Cortiñas.
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